Life Things Podcast


February 08, 2023 Daijonae Season 1 Episode 3
Life Things Podcast
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Life Things Podcast
Feb 08, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3

This episode is about how therapy was used as a resource after my separation for healing,

For my book, children’s book, and socials head over to

Show Notes Transcript

This episode is about how therapy was used as a resource after my separation for healing,

For my book, children’s book, and socials head over to


Welcome to the Life Things podcast, where we think life things, speak, life things, and share life things. I am your host Dejak author and grad student getting a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy. This podcast is for women who desire to start a journey, who are already on a journey of healing and wholeness. Who's sick of choosing the wrong men and who are ready? God do the chooses. The topics covered on this podcast will be faith, self-discovery, relationships, marriage and purpose. I hope this podcast renews your mind and helps you to think like things and speak like things through the life things you learn here. Today we're gonna be talking about therapy. So in the last episode, we talked about emotions and feelings, and so I thought this was a perfect segue into therapy. So I am getting a Master's in Marriage and family Therapy. After all of the heartbreak that I went through, I felt like God was calling me into this direction because I. Started coaching after going through my journey of separation, but I just found that the target audience, that God called me to, those women coming out of heartbreak type situations, whether that was like regular heartbreak, whether that was separation from a husband or whether that was divorce from a husband. Those were my target audience. Those women needed therapy. After coming out of something so intense, and so I have been on the journey of getting my master's in therapy, and so I just wanted to hop on and talk about the importance of therapy and how it played a role in my life. So, Me and my ex-husband, we did couples counseling and I, I thought it was helping, but obviously our relationship still went south. So I continued to go to therapy on and off individually after the separation. And I found out a lot of different things about myself, and I feel like therapy is just that for you to dig into yourself and to find out. Why you do the things that you do, to find out where things come from, to find out patterns, um, habits, all of those things, to bring all of that to light and to bring all of that to the surface so that you can actually deal with it. Sometimes we don't even recognize that we are doing certain things. And so to go back and to dig into that stuff that we've basically put on the sidelines, uh, to go back and bring that up to the surface so we can actually deal with it is, I think the big part of what we need as far as healing goes, especially in like relationships and heart. A lot of us are going and picking the same people over and over and over again, and that is basically a pattern. At some point we have to look at ourselves and be like, why do I keep attracting this same person over and over? And sometimes it has to do with the patterns. It has to do with generational trauma, generational curses, things that you don't even know about. So going back and dealing with your patterns, going back and dealing with the things that has affected you, your trauma and healing from that and moving forward in your life allows you to move past picking the same person over and over again and allows you to veer off in a whole different direction so you that you can even be open to. Receiving new people or, or encountering different type of people than what you've been attracting before. And so therapy was definitely something that I needed. I always say everything needs to be coupled with God because that's how I did it. Like I know maybe some of you out there aren't Christian or don't have a relationship with God, but all I can do is tell you what worked for me. And I would not be where I am if it wasn't for God. So I can't give you any tips or any suggestions or anything without mentioning God because I have coupled everything with him. And so I always am a big proponent of therapy plus God. So yeah. Um, therapy is definitely another resource that you should take when you are dealing with heart. And especially being able to just heal from what happened. Heal from maybe the patterns, the same people that you keep encountering, and just being able to move forward in confidence with your life and being able to live a better life. After the trauma or after the heartbreak occurred. And so that is it guys. Thank you guys for listening. Always remember to think like things, speak life things and share life things