Life Things Podcast


March 03, 2023 Daijonae Season 1 Episode 6
Life Things Podcast
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Life Things Podcast
Mar 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6

This episode is my health journey so far as it relates to nutrition. Are you struggling with eating healthy? I hope this encourages you and kick starts your health journey!

For my book, children’s book, and socials head over to

Show Notes Transcript

This episode is my health journey so far as it relates to nutrition. Are you struggling with eating healthy? I hope this encourages you and kick starts your health journey!

For my book, children’s book, and socials head over to

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Life Things podcast, where we think life things, speak, life things, and share life things. I am your host Daijonae author and grad student getting a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy. This podcast is for women who desire to start a journey, who are already on a journey of healing and wholeness.

Who's sick of choosing the wrong men and who are ready to let God do the. The topics covered on this podcast will be faith, self-discovery, relationships, marriage and purpose. I hope this podcast renews your mind and helps you to think like things and speak life things through the life, things you learn here.

So today we're gonna be talking about health. I just got into this topic. Um, I really wish I would have dived into this a lot sooner because God had been already speaking to me like right when I was going through this whole journey. . [00:01:00] I think the entire time I've been on this journey, God has been talking to me about my health and eating healthier and all that stuff.

And of course when it comes to that, that's like the hardest thing to do, but I wish that I would've done this sooner because I have experienced so many benefits to eating. And I just want to tell you guys about the things that I have been experiencing so that you could maybe hop on this bandwagon on your wholeness journey.

So the first thing that I did was transition when it comes to eating food. So November of 2022. So last year in November, I basically. Eat clean as we know it, like eating, like lean meats and veggies, cutting out rice and potatoes and all that type of stuff. So that's how I started to [00:02:00] eat in like November.

And then I got Covid and that helped me to cut out meat completely because then I was eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and stuff because I was sick and I'd had like no taste for meat or anything because I was. Then I started to feel a little bit better and I was like, okay, like let me just keep this like as a Kickstarter to my eating healthy routine or whatever.

So I started to cut out meat, and then I was left with like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds. Then I found out about this guy, Dr. Bobby Price, and he preaches about only eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. So basically a vegan diet, but not the junk food. Vegan, because with junk food, vegan is basically like you can eat all like the beyond meats and impossible burgers, slutty, vegan, even.

Oreos are vegan. [00:03:00] French fries obviously are vegan cuz it's just potatoes that are fried. So like all of that type of stuff is like considered junk food vegan. But he is more on the SI side of pure vegan like, plant-based. And so I was like, okay, I'm gonna just do that. And so I continued to do that, but then at the end of the year, it kind of got hard because I'm like, I knew I wanted to do this lifestyle completely in 2023.

And so I was like, okay. Let me eat some stuff before I hop. Hop over to this lifestyle fully. So at the end of the year, in December, like the last two weeks of December, I started to eat junk food and I ate some chicken here and there and all that stuff. But from November to December before I started eating the junk food, I felt great.

and now that basically January is over all th this entire month of January, I have been eating fruits, vegetables, [00:04:00] nuts, and seeds. I have not cheated on with any other foods, any other snacks or anything. And I feel so good and I'm losing weight and I'm just going to share. The things that I have experienced on this lifestyle of eating.

So the first thing I experienced was mood. Food equals mood for real. The food that we put inside of our bodies literally changes our mood and I felt so much happier when I was eating this way and like I have always been like an introvert. Kind of laid back or whatever, but I have been in a good mood since I've been eating this way.

Number two, I had a lot of headaches. I would have at least three headaches a week, and it was just getting outta hand. I haven't had any headaches being on this diet. Like the only time I had headaches was I was doing Dr. Bobby price's, uh, detox [00:05:00] tea, and I had a couple headaches, but he said in his instructions that you'll have detox headaches because of all the bad foods and stuff that we were eating.

Well, unhealthy foods, I don't wanna say bad, unhealthy foods. We were. The third thing was energy. I had so much energy, my brain fog was gone. I'm in grad school, so I have a lot of homework to do. I used to always procrastinate, always didn't feel like it, and I'm able to do my homework with no problem. Able to focus with no problem.

Brain fog is gone, the sluggishness is gone. It's really cool. I used to like binge eat snacks and I was very much a snacker. I'm still kind of a snacker like this. Now I'm just snacking on like dried fruits and nuts and stuff, but, I used to binge on chips and stuff like that. Like, it's like I couldn't get enough chips and then I'll, after eating the chips, I'll need a bite of something sweet like

I'll need a scoop of ice [00:06:00] cream or like something like that to like offset all of the saltiness. And so I am not really that hungry anymore. Like I don't have that like consistent hunger that I always used to have, and it is a really good feeling. I knew like the binging on snacks wasn't healthy at all, but I always felt hungry, so I always kept snacking, but this really diminished my hunger a whole lot because of that.

I've lost maybe like 10 to 12 pounds eating this way, and so yeah, it's, it's been good. It's been good. The other thing that I've experienced is with my child. My child is an extremely picky eater, but since I've been eating really healthy, only eating fruits and vegetables, she has been eating fruits like she has tried pears, apples, berries.

I even made green juices. She'll try. And drink the green juices and she'll be like, oh, it's kiwi juice, cuz it's green. She's like Kiwi juice. So [00:07:00] I just say, yes, it's kiwi juice and she'll drink it and everything. And so that was a huge motivator for me. It's like, okay, if I'm eating healthy, my kid is seeing me and I'm basically her role model.

So I just want to continue on this path because she literally ate five things and now she's wanting to try everyth. Even though she still hasn't gotten to the point where she'll sit down and eat it by herself, at least she's trying it. At least she's opening her mouth to eat it. , because that wasn't happening before.

So the other benefits that I have experienced on this diet is my cold symptoms have been diminished. I felt like I had a cold and it just felt like the cold was about to come on. Like, you know how you feel like you're about to catch a cold, but the code never fully came and that's, I just feel like the symptoms were diminish.

By this diet because [00:08:00] now I'm eating healthier. So now my immune system is like fighting off or whatever was trying to get in my system. So that was one huge thing as well. I've noticed that this might be ting my for some people, but I noticed that my poop. And like farts, don't really stink as bad as it did with eating unhealthy food.

And like obviously when you think about it now, it's like dub, you're eating healthier, but you really don't think about stuff like that until you experience it. And then the last thing that I have experienced so far, it is like, Well, my skin has not had any breakouts since I've been on this diet. I have a lot of dark marks and stuff on my face because I had a lot of skin issues, and it just felt like it came outta nowhere.

It felt like. I was in high school again or something that I just kept getting these pimples all over the [00:09:00] place. And then I get really bad hyperpigmentation, and then I'm constantly trying to take away the dark marks. But then once I get the dark marks gone, the bumps come right back and then it's constant cycle.

But I have not broken out really bad. While being on this diet either, and that's a huge thing for me because my skiing is everything. Like that's the first thing that people see when they look at you is your face , like you're skin. So being on this diet, cutting out meat and dairy truly helped. So much with my skin, and now I'm just trying to get rid of all the dark marks on my face so that I can have a great foundation with continuing to eat healthy and not experiencing the breakouts that come along with eating unhealthy.

And so yeah, those were all the benefits of eating a plant-based lifestyle. Well, a plant lifestyle. I gotta cut, stop saying plant-based because it's not based on anything. It's just plants. And it's really [00:10:00] not even that hard, honestly. Like you would think that it's extremely hard to eat this way and it's really not.

It's really not. Um, just try it. I'm telling you guys to try it. Even women who are going through depression symptoms and all of that stuff, food is your mood. Like even if you were to do something as small as changing your diet, even though you're not in the best mood or whatever, this would at least help you to lift your spirits up.

Like it would help you in that sense because it literally motivates you. It makes you feel good about yourself and. Gives you the energy, it gives you all the nutrients and everything that you need to thrive. And so I wish I would've started off eating this way, but now that I have experienced it, now I'm out telling you guys to try it.

And I just want to encourage you to think like things, speak like things and [00:11:00] share life things.