Life Things Podcast

A Revelation on Nutrition

March 08, 2023 Daijonae Season 1 Episode 7
A Revelation on Nutrition
Life Things Podcast
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Life Things Podcast
A Revelation on Nutrition
Mar 08, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7

This episode is on a revelation I had on nutrition and what we are meant to eat as humans. 
For my book, children’s book, and socials head over to

Show Notes Transcript

This episode is on a revelation I had on nutrition and what we are meant to eat as humans. 
For my book, children’s book, and socials head over to

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Life Things podcast, where we think life things, speak, life things, and share life things. I am your host Daijonae author and grad student getting a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy. This podcast is for women who desire to start a journey or are already on a journey of healing and wholeness.

Who's sick of choosing the wrong men and who are ready to let God? Choosing the topics covered on this podcast will be faith, self-discovery, relationships, marriage and purpose. I hope this podcast renews your mind and helps you to think like things and speak life things through the life, things you learn here.

So today we're gonna be talking about a revelation that I got around health, and it has been something that has been in a Bible the whole time, but I never saw it like this way. It never just sparked this revelation before. So I just wanted to come and share this with you guys. So the [00:01:00] scripture is, it's in Genesis, either, I think it's Genesis one actually in 29, and it says,

And God said, see, I have given you every herb that yields seed, which is on the face of the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed to you, it shall be for food. And so when he says Herb, like other translation says plants. So basically God gave us plants and he gave us fruit for our food. And just because we came into sin, basically just.

Adam and Eve. Sin didn't cancel out how we were wired, like how God made us. We were made to only eat fruits and plants. And so when I saw that I was like, wow, that's crazy, because it's like, , obviously after Adam and E seeing and all that stuff, then that's how meat is introduced and all of that stuff. But how God wired us and how God made us our makeup [00:02:00] is to only eat fruits and vegetables.

And it was just crazy to me to see that. And then the revelation he gave me was like, basically everything flows from the food that we eat. And I used to think that it flowed from like our relationship with God. , but no amount of relationship with God is gonna keep us alive. So the only thing that's gonna keep us alive is food, air and water,

And so we're constantly having to make sure we're eating. So if we're constantly having to eat, then what we're putting into our bodies. Is dictating how we are showing up in our lives, basically. And I didn't really think about it that way. And it's like really food is what influences our thoughts. What influences, like how we act towards people.

Like if we're irritated, angry, mad, depressed, like it all stems from food. If we're being. [00:03:00] All of these chemicals, all of these dyes, all of these preservatives, all of these pesticides, all of this type of stuff that are chemicals in the foods that we we're eating today, it literally is ingested in us and it messes up.

Our cells, it messes up our gut bacteria. It messes up so much stuff in our body, and then we're literally acting and thinking and doing things that we probably would never have done if we were eating fruits and vegetables. Like when you eat. Healthy. It puts you in so mu in so much of a better mood and it gives you so much more energy and like, I don't know, like vibrance or whatever that I feel like the world will be a way better place if we all ate this way because.

It's just giving us a boost of happiness because that's what it is. It's like since we're getting all of our nutrients and we're not being deficient in anything, then we [00:04:00] are getting the hormones that we need, like dopamine, serotonin, all of these. Different things that makes us happy and improves mood and all of that stuff.

Like we're getting the proper stuff that we need in our body for our bodies to form. But if we're eating all of this junk food and chips and fast food and all of this chemicals, then obviously our bodies are going to be outta whack. And if our bodies are outta. Then everything we're doing is outta whack.

Like I said, the way we're thinking, the way we're doing things, all of this stuff is outta whack because our bodies is outta whack. And I was watching the Chosen the other day and the man, one of the disciples said, he was like, why are you so. Obsessed with like the physical, it's all about the mind. The mind is what matters.

And then the other disciple came back and said, well try eating a handful of poisonous berries and see how good your mind works. And I [00:05:00] thought that that was like so good because I was just like, that is so true. Like we're sitting up here eating all of this fast food and chemicals, like all of this stuff is chemicals.

If you read the back of these labels, Full of stuff that we cannot pronounce. It's literally fake food and it's like we're putting all this poisonous stuff, this chemical type stuff in our bodies, and then expecting us to be able to wake up on time, be able to have. High energy, be able to like go throughout our day, be able to be happy, be able to not snap on people and be able just to do all of these things.

And it's like how do we expect that if we're putting this type of food into our bodies? And if God made us to eat fruits and vegetables in the first place. And so I just thought that was really, really, I am eating, which will be called like high raw vegan. That's what the name is. It's basically when you eat mostly [00:06:00] raw food, so fruits and vegetables, but not cooked.

So non cooked fruits and vegetables, and you'll eat a little bit of cooked food, so, or cooked items like granola is cooked, so I eat granola, so it'll be stuff like that. So, Some things that are cooked, but most of your food is raw, like salads, wraps, like raw ca, like kale wraps. What else? Like smoothie bowls, smoothies, juices, nice cream.

Like just all of these different things. Like if you look up on YouTube, there is a lot of raw food recipes and stuff, and I'm just now getting into it. I've only been doing this for one month, but the results are, , I feel so much better. I don't feel like I'm addicted to food or always thinking about food or what I'm gonna eat next and all of this other stuff.

And so, and my brain power has been able to go to other places, like doing this podcast and doing my homework, being with my [00:07:00] daughter, like things like that instead of me being sluggish and drained and like the worst move all the. And so yeah, those were all the benefits of eating a plant-based lifestyle.

Well, a plant lifestyle. I gotta cut, stop saying plant-based because it's not based on anything. It's just plants. And it's really not even that hard, honestly. Like you would think that it's extremely hard to eat this way, and it's really not. It's really not. Just try it. I'm telling you guys to try it because even women who are going through depression symptoms and all of that, Food is your mood.

Like even if you were to do something as small as changing your diet, even though you're not in the best mood or whatever, this would at least help you to lift your spirits up. Like it would help you in that sense because it literally motivates you, it makes you feel good about yourself, and it just.

Gives you the energy, it gives you all the nutrients [00:08:00] and everything that you need to thrive. And so I wish I would've started off eating this way, but now that I have experienced it, now I'm out telling you guys to try it. And I just want to encourage you to think like things speak like things and share like things.